Here is the step-by-step guide of how to program remote key on a Isuzu D-Max 4x4 with Lonsdor
K518 key programmer via OBD.
Lonsdor K518ISE Isuzu Vehicle List
Connect Lonsdor K518ISE host with vehicle via OBD diagnostic socket
Select Immobilizer->ISUZU->D-MAX->Program remote
Turn ignition switch to ON position
Maximum 5 keys can be programmed
Close all doors and open the door on driver side
Lonsdor K518 identifies current remote key number: 0
Press the Unlock button of the remote key for 5 times until the indicator flashes
Programming complete, press YES to program next key
Repeat and program next remote
Program success.
K518 displayed 1 remote has been programmed.
Press YES to program other key or NO to go back.
Test the remote key.