2017.09 MB SD C4 Star and MB STAR C5 Star are popular diagnostic tool for car workshop . And our engineer have made a brief introduction for basic operation and installation as following :
Running the system
Running Xentry
· Click “ Xentry” icon, running Xentry .
· If Xentry is enabled, you can switch to the following application:
Xentry TIPS
Diagnosis(xentry diagnosis/DAS)
EPC net
XentryStartup screen
· After start xentry, the Xentry framework (= complete display) appears, including various elements:
= Main window, such as display
Brand/vehicle selection, test procedures, documentation,… .
= The main navigation bar
You can open various applications or functions here:
= Status bar (vehicle and user information)
· After start Xentry , will display “brand view”
Product group
· After start xentry , will display product group ?( like Mercedes-benz).
· You can set the content (like the brand or product group) that should be displayed directly after starting Xentry from the system .
System settings
System setting-(1)
· Click here open system setting
· After click it ,the main menu will be display
System setting-(2)
· Submenu are visible
System setting-(3)
·Date and time format selection
System setting-(4)
· Choose setting unit system
System setting -(5)
· Display System and data version of xentry diagnostics
System setting -(6)
· Setting languages
Switch to diagnostic software Xentry diagnostics or DAS <> information
Switch to xentry or DAS
· System will switch to diagnostic after vehicle recongnisezed
· The important is that xentry searched which vehicle, then start xentry diagnosis or DAS .
· Vehicle model series will be confirm by xentry Ident .
· If Xentry recognizes the model series corresponding to “204″ , so start Xentry diagnostic.
· If xentry recognizes the model series (VIN) not corresponding “204” , then start DAS.
Start it from diagnostic software in the vehicle of the corresponding series “204″
. Complete vehicle identification number, like 204.022
· Use the “diagnose” button to switch to diagnostics
· According to the vehicle identification number (VIN) , Recognizing that the car can be diagnosed with Xentry diagnosis .
· Start xentry diagnose .
Choose the vehicle model (e.g. 204) with vehicle identification to start diagnostic .
Xentry diagnostic startup screen
Start diagnostic software in vehicles that do not correspond to the series “204″ - like 211
· Complete vehicle identification number, like 211.022
· Use the “diagnose” button to switch to diagnostics
· According to the vehicle identification number (VIN) , recognizing that the car cant be diagnosed with Xentry diagnosis .
Choose the vehicle model (e.g. 204/211/221) with vehicle identification to start diagnostic .
Start DAS .
· System switch to DAS from xentry automatically .
· You can use the button “Alt+Tab” switch between applications( only can use the keypad) .
· You can also use the Intelligent diagnostic systembutton ( compact3 、compact3W、compact4)switch the applications .
Navigation in the application <> information
Navigation in the screen
· Expert mode→Actual values→…
· You can select the different Tab ( version、error codes/events、adaptation、Information…).
Switch application
·Use “ALT+TAB” or press the intelligent diagnostic instrument system ( compact3、compact3 w、compact4) can switch to the application that opens in the background EPC net and WIS net .
Close Xentry diagnose
· Click exit, you will see the how do you want to do proceed ? like the picture showed .
Close Xentry = Xentry was closed
Enable diagnostic multiplexer = Xentry not closed
Enable diagnostic multiplexer. When use DAS to do diagnostic select it , but you have do diagnostic with xentry already .
The diagnostic multiplexer must be used. Because it cant be used by 2 application at the same time .
Log off from server= Xentry Remain open . Close the online application that started with Xentry( EPC net、WIS/ASRA net、Xentry TIPS、 …), and delete the user ID from buffer .
Log off from server -(1)
· Shows users who are currently logged in to an online application .
Log off from server -(2)
· User logged out.
· Close the online application .
· TAnother user can start an online application.