What is a scan tool?
A Best Professional Car Diagnostic Tool is used to diagnose and detect variety of internal problems or malfunctions that can occur within your vehicle. These codes give you incite as to what is wrong with the car and where the problem is located. There are three different types of OBD scanner devices.
The first is your basic code reader; this model is good for reading and clearing codes.
The second is a more advanced automotive scan tool that can view live and recorded data, provide access to bi-directional tests and controls, access extensive knowledge bases, and other more advanced functions. Lastly, factory scan tools which are made specifically for the original equipment manufacturer and covers all vehicles manufactured under that company.
Your basic code reader will normally only have a couple buttons and cost you anywhere between $50-$100. It will be fine for reading standard diagnostic trouble codes and clearing them, but will not have vehicle specific or enhanced codes that a more advanced scan tool would have. A more Advance Engine Diagnostic Tool can run you anywhere from $1,000-$12,000 depending on the features, adapters and cables that may be bundled with it; but it’s functionality is far superior to your basic scan tool. There are also factory specific scan tools available that get up there is cost but may be worth it, depending on what you or your shop deals with on a daily basis.
Choosing the right Scan Tool
As with cars, there are many different options and tiers available when choosing a scan tool. You need to consider the ability to work on pre OBD–II vehicles, screen size and resolution, bundling options, bluetooth capabilities, platform needed, onboard memory, as well as, battery life and power source. For example, if you work on classic or antique cars you will want the ability to work on pre OBD-II vehicles. If you want to fine-tune your cars performance you’ll need a more advanced scan tool. It all depends on what you intend on using it for. The next time you are in the market for scan tool check out http://www.cnautotool.com/ for a wide variety of options and factory specific models.