Everyone who has used or is using the MB Star Compact 4 currently must know that though this equipment is near perfect, but there is some accidental problems usually happen to it during the programming process. For this, its new generation MB Star Compact 5 car diagnostic tool is developed. However, compared to its last generation MB Star Compact 3, MB Star C4 is still more functional and compatible. The followings are some advantages C4 has over C3 as well as some disadvantages of C4.
During the common operation or programming process, the crashes may usually caused by the overheat of the interface of C4, and the suspend may occur as a result of it. Aimed at such disadvantages, the new generation C5 is developed to ensure the stability of the operation as well as the programming process, so as to bring a better user experience to the uses. But beyond that, the other functions of benz c4 and C5 are the same.
The users who have used both C3 and C4 ever before must know that the MB Star Compact 4 car diagnostic does have many advantages over C3. For instance, the C4 supports more languages like Portuguese, Danish, Finnish and so on; C 4 supports K L diagnosis, 3-line CAN BUS, UDS protocol (UDS protocol ensures the software upgrade of C4); C4 supports more computers because of its wireless diagnosis and wired connection.
So, these are the comparisons between C4 and C3, MB Star Compact 4 and C5, and you may know more clearly about your needs after reading them. And, considering of your needs and budget carefully before selecting these tools. If you are a Benz owner who likes to do DIY works with the car detection tool and doesn’t plan to purchase any upcoming Benz cars in the future, MB Star C4 is good enough to use for the current cars.
- Dec 09 Sun 2018 17:30
Comparisons among MB Star C4 C3 and C5