
What is Chrysler factory DRLs (Daytime Running Lights)?

Daytime Running Lights (DRL) are a safety feature that makes your van more noticeable to approaching traffic and could save your life and the lives of your passengers one day.

Chrysler Daytime Running Lights

How to disable Chrysler factory DRLs (Daytime Running Lights)?

The DRL feature is contain in the TIPM (totally integrated power module/underhood fuse box) and requires a dealer scan tool to activate/inactivate.

You can enable or disable DRL’s with a StarScan/Star Mobile/WiTech as you please. if it’s enabled already you just need to re-run the enable DRL routine and it will let you disable them.

Enable/Disable Chrysler DRLs with wiTech MicroPod 2:

The Enable DRL option is in the TIPMCGW screen, under Misc Functions. Big screen shots by the way.


Enable/Disable Chrysler DRLs with StarScan:
1. Verify your StarSCAN unit has been updated via update CD to latest version in the upper RH corner of the display screen.
2. Enter Vehicle Preparation menu.
3. Select DRLs.
4. Select Enable (Note: some vehicles may already show Enabled, if so select Disable, then re-Enable.)
5. Select Disable. You will hear an alert chime and see various warning lights appear on the instrument panel.
6. Select Enable.
7. Start engine. Manually select headlamps to Off with light switch.
8. Visually confirm DRLs on (High beam lamps partially illuminated). Note: DRL will extinguish with turn signal blinking, selected side. This is normal.

Reminder: With engine running, the DRLs will be illuminated anytime that the car’s headlights are not on regardless of the position of the light switch, whether day or night. They cannot, in fact, be commanded off via the light switch, only replaced by headlamps.


FAQ: Disable Chrysler factory DRLs

Q: Possible to disable Chrysler without a scan tool?
A: Without a special tool it isn’t possible to deactivate this feature. Dealer shops always use the witech for this).

Q: Is it true? an aftermarket flash like tazer could void the warranty because chrysler can go back and track what has been done to the car computer.
A:I’ll tell you all that I know in regard to this. Keep in mind that I am going by what I have been told in multiple conversations with dealership techs, by internet search info, etc. My wording may be flawed but the info below will give you the gist of things lets say.. Definition of BCM:
The automotive central body control module (BCM) is a processor-based power distribution center that supervises and controls functions related to the car body such as lights, windows, security, door locks and access control, and various comfort controls.

The TazerJL, Tazer JL Lite, Tazer JL Mini and Flashcal all write to the BCM. Each programmer, does it the same way that the dealership’s Chrysler Witech POD Micropod II Tool does.

The BCM uses flash counter’s ….There are individual flash counter’s for each of the features, etc. that the programmer can say disable, enable, change..In regard to these counter’s… Lets just say, the JL leaving the factory is showing 1 for each counter in regard to the dozen or so configurations.

So, the JL is shipped to the dealership and is sold.

The dealer sells the JL.

Now, the new JL owner installs larger size tires and goes to the dealership service department wanting the speedometer corrected. Dealer takes the JL owner’s $100+,

and using the Chrysler Diagnostic Tool Witech MicroPod?, programs for the larger tire size and the speedometer is now accurate.

As a result of this tire size programming, the counter that keeps track of the tire circumference value, changes from 1 to 2.

— So, as you see counter’s come into use.


Apparently, there is no lets call it. tag, ear mark or identifiable signature, etc., of what was written exactly, and by whom.

All the dealership tech can see with his Witech tool is that the BCM was updated x amount of times counter(s) changed..

Again, to repeat, from what I have been told by three different, dealership techs, the dealership’s Witech tool, does not show a history or what programmer or what specific dealer, etc. did programming on the JL. All that is available in regard to history, is a flash counter for each configuration.

Also, if your dealer does lets say, a flash update on your JL per recommendation of FCA (say for all 2018 JL’s) the counter’s change.

With the preceding info in mind, the likeliness of the service department tech, taking the time and effort to dig deep, to ascertain if a counter was changed, what setting it was, and then to look up the vehicle history to see if it was dealer-authorized, is well very time consuming and not something the tech would routinely do.

Sure, he could do it, but.. it is not is very likely he will.”



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