
Lots of customer encounter setting problem when using MB SD Connect C5 star diagnosis, so we recommend this bundling sale for those customer who want once get in hand then can use it directly. We will install and activate for you ready to use. What’s more, this package offer saves you money than buying them alone.

Second Hand Laptop Lenovo T450 i5-5200U 8GB Memory
Brand: Lenovo
Condition: Used
Screen Size:12.5
Processor Type:Intel (R) Core(TM) I5-5200U CPU
Memory: 8GB
Hard Disk:500G HDD or 256G SSD

MB SD Connect C5-4 MB SD Connect C5-3 MB SD Connect C5-2 MB SD Connect C5-1

The new Mercedes Benz diagnostic tool MB SD Connect C5 is verified working great. Here are customer feedback to Benz C5.
SD Connect (not original Xentry Connect C5).

1.“Mercedes Sprinter year 2006 and 2014 works, both thediagnosis. All the personal cars also works, no problem”

2.“All the trucks including euro6 also works, no problem. Bus Mercedes Tourismo euro5 year 2010-2012 test works, BUT year 2014 euro6 does NOT work, it says that the license is invalid. Both sd c4 and sd c5, we have tested both on the same cars, to be sure.”

3.“SD Connect C5 this one customer has test, works good, in function it no difference with SD C4, but performance it is better. So you can buy MB SD C5 if you want buy new MUX. SD C5 use the same software as MB SD Connect C4.

4.“I have used V2016.12 software. I am ready to order the new V2021.09 software. It is said that the V2021.09 DAS/Xentry has improved a lot. New software in SSD runs faster and much more steable on Windows 7 or Windows 8 instead of Windows XP system. Also, new WIS and EPC parts catalog offers more full information for more models.

If you have any problem about Mercedes Scan Tool, please do not hesitate to contact us with

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